
We use TimeRabbit to track how many hours we spend on Facebook. TimeRabbit is available only for PC users, and people who use Facebook on their smartphones can’t track their usage, if you’re willing to track your smartphone usage we got an app for you. It can track your phone, app usage on daily basis. Are you ready to explore App Habits?

App Habits is a free productivity app for our Android phone, which helps us to track how many hours we spend with our phone and apps installed on it. Instead of saying it as a productivity app, we can name it as a productivity controller app. As we can limit our phone usage using App habits, sometime we would get rid of certain apps after noticing the time spent (wasted) on it. Are you ready to track how many hours you’re wasting using your smartphone.

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Once you install the application to your phone, you would be asked to create an account to track your usage. The user interface of the app is so simplistic, as everyone could easily explore it when they start using it. You can track hours spent on each app installed on your phone, which has different cards for each app. You can view launchpad, most used apps by day, top used apps by just swiping tabs. Tracking is done on a daily basis.

Let’s limit our productivity on Smartphones and show better productivity in our workplace by using App Habits. Do you think App habits will limit your smartphone usage?

Here’s the link to download App Habits from Play Store.

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1x1.trans App Habits: Track How Many Hours You Spend With Your Phone & Apps Installed On It
Yogeshwaran Selvaraju, Mechanical Engineer, Online Web Publisher. Completed Mechanical Engineering in a diverse way and finally ended up founding Tech2notify. He passes the time by Googling, Facebooking and movie buff.